In the heart of Shikarpur, amidst the trials and tribulations of life in the aftermath of floods and climate change, we encountered a trio of extraordinary siblings whose story resonated with the resilience of human spirit and the unyielding power of familial bonds. Meet Sumaiya, Alia, and Bakhtawar, a constellation of unwavering determination and unwavering love.
In a noble effort to support her mother, Sumaiya traversed the winding streets of the neighborhood, working tirelessly as a domestic helper. While her mother labored over piles of laundry, Sumaiya valiantly undertook the task of tending to the mountain of dishes, their clinking cacophony, made bearable only by her commitment to her family’s survival needs. She understood that her assistance granted her mother precious time to swiftly complete her chores and return home to extend support her younger sisters.
Sumaiya’s desire for regular attendance at school and education was fueled by several factors, including the news that she will be receiving new school bag, new uniform, stationery, and other essential materials, without which she felt very marginalized and deprived. These items played a significant role in increasing her motivation and enthusiasm for attending school. Previously, their mother, with limited income, struggled to spare any money for these basic school necessities. However, the arrival of these simple items brought immense happiness and hope to the siblings, creating an environment conducive to learning.
Sumaiya’s determination to pursue education was also influenced by her personal circumstances. She shared that her father was paralyzed and bedridden, rendering him unable to contribute to the household expenses. In these challenging times, her role in supporting her
mother became crucial for their survival. Despite these difficulties, Sumaiya found solace in being able to teach her younger sisters once she returned from school. She firmly believed in the transformative power of education and recognized it as the key to overcoming adversity and achieving their dreams.
She was reassured to see that their school that was affected badly by the floods had undergone positive transformations that contributed to Sumaiya’s love for attending regularly; she did not want to miss a day of her classes. The school was now equipped with sports materials, providing opportunities for spurring her right to play and fostering a sense of teamwork and healthy competition among the students. She was even supported for her right to dignity with the reusable MHM kits that has transformed her monthly anguish of being embarrassed in front of teachers and peers. Additionally, the presence of a colorful mini library with books in Sindhi and other engaging resources such as maps and arts and craft materials offered a stimulating learning environment that sparked curiosity and encouraged active learning. These added elements made the school experience more enjoyable and memorable for Sumaiya and her siblings, taking their mind off the post floods miseries, further enhancing their motivation to excel academically.
Sehrish Farooq
Program Manager
Contact: 0092-336-2413806
Maham Anees
Communications and Reporting Officer
Contact: 0092-0349-0830154
Address: Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA)
203, 2nd Floor, Ibrahim Trade Tower,
Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi.
Tel: (+92) (21) 34322230-31