Village: Mehmood Panhwar (distance from Shikarpur city 21 km)
Union Council: Mehmood Bagh, Taluka/sub-district Khanpur, District Shikarpur
No. of House Holds in village : 300+
Castes/Ethnic Groups: Panhwar
Surrounding villages: 5 other villages are in 1 km vicinity. (1) Azeem Panhwar, (2) Haleem Panwar, (3) Jaffar Panhwar, (4) Alam-din-Panhwar, (5) Kukra villages.
Facilities: 03 Mosques, Small shops, Drainage fully damaged, 01 BHU, 02 primary Schools & 1 middle schools –Teachers very irregular- Middle School only 1 out of 3 teachers turns up!
Total Enrollment in both schools = 204 (142 & 62) Boys 98, Girls 44 = 142
Estimated Out of school children: 150+
Presence of CWDs too- 18+ mostly Congenital hand deformity (Physical)- needs deeper probe
Female Literacy/Enrolment : A major challenge in the village
Nearby Govt. School in Kukra 1 km closed since 10 years –can be made operational by SELD
Disability: Both in-school and out of school children (to be investigated in depth with the longer CFM tool)
Village: Mathelo Momal Ji Mari, UC: Beriri, Taluka & District Ghotki
Heritage site: Distance from Ghotki 8 kilometers
(Momal a unique beautiful bold princess and ruler ) 500 A.D
No. of House Holds in village: 300 to 350
Castes/Ethnic Groups: Sayed, Bhutta, Shaikh, Marwari
Surrounding villages: 16 villages in 1 km vicinity
(1) Arabab Kaladi (2) Allah Dino Kaladi (3) M.Mureed Kaladi (4) Ghulam Mohammad (5) Kaladi (6) Budho Jhatiyal (7) Manjhi Mahar (8) Waloo Mahar (9) Peerzada Rang Ali Shah (10) Beriri (11) Bhanjro (12) Ghuriyo Mahar (13) Mevo Mahar (14) Lesori Mahar (15) Rais Mohammad Phulphoto (16) Punho Waseer
Facilities: Mosques, Temple, Shops, Historical Place 500-600 AD, 01 BHU, One Cluster school (w. 2 primary Schools) Girls up to Middle only In a boys school (50)
Total Enrollment in schools: 1070 (Boys 853 & Girls 217)
Estimated Out of School Children : 280 (perhaps more and more girls) In a village known for a woman ruler this situation must be reversed fast with mobilization and right messaging- Girls education a major challenge
Sehrish Farooq
Program Manager
Contact: 0092-336-2413806
Maham Anees
Communications and Reporting Officer
Contact: 0092-0349-0830154
Address: Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA)
203, 2nd Floor, Ibrahim Trade Tower,
Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi.
Tel: (+92) (21) 34322230-31